New club spreads awareness about health

The Wellness Club teaches students about healthy lifestyles

Olivia Mohun

Members of the Wellness Wisdom Club discuss their goals for this year. The club, led by senior Worth Taylor, will meet every other Monday during lunch.

Olivia Mohun and Madeline Thiara

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students in the Wellness Wisdom Club met for the first time yesterday at lunch to learn more about healthy living and talk about how to treat their bodies.

“My goal for this club is to share awareness and spread the word about living a healthy lifestyle,” senior and club head Worth Taylor said. “It is really easy and beneficial.”

The club plans to have bi-weekly meetings and may go on a club field trip to workout studios such as SoulCycle.

“I was a vegetarian for four years, I tried being vegan, and now I am just interested in learning more about health and fitness,” freshman Sage Gould said.

Taylor plans to discuss food, fitness, and overall well-being at her meetings. She also plans to bring in healthy snacks for club members.

“I joined this club because I always want to find new ways to have a healthier lifestyle,” sophomore Virginia Morford said.

The Wellness Wisdom club will also focus on learning what healthy means to different people and the various ways that people can change their way of living while still accommodating themselves, according to Taylor.

“I have a really big passion for healthy food,” Taylor said. “I have an instagram and blog that I post on all the time and I love sharing my recipes.”