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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Performers introduce themselves at the end of the assembly. Each person told a different story from the points of view of various Bay Area teenagers.

School assembly addresses consent, sexual assault, healthy relationships

Olivia Rounsaville, Reporter April 5, 2019

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students organized and performed in a coed assembly centered around consent and healthy relationships. “Consent and healthy relationships are topics that are vital to all of us, but...

Convent students load the bus to the Broadway campus from the Pine/Octavia campus in between classes. Passing periods were lengthened this year to allow students time to move between campuses.

Coed classes increase

Olivia Mohun, Senior Reporter August 30, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Convent & Stuart Hall upperclassmen students observed an increase in the number of coed and cross-campus classes this year. “Five of my classes are coed,” Stuart Hall senior Darius...

Club head Jemima Scott (left center) addresses the Surf Club during their lunch meeting. This was the club's first meeting of the year.

Surf Club holds meeting

Grace Ainslie, News Editor September 29, 2017

The newly coed Surf Club had its first meeting of the year during lunch. “It was very successful,” club head Jemima Scott said. “We had a lot of the new members come from a bunch of different...

Students wait to board the school bus to Stuart Hall. Buses on the first few days of school were completely filled, which caused many students to have to wait for a second bus to come.

Students complete first full week of 2017-2018 school year

Cassie Eskicioglu, Senior Reporter September 1, 2017

Today marked the completion of students’ first full week of the 2017-2018 school year. Many changes have come with the start of the year including more co-ed classes at both campuses, new teachers and...

Incoming freshmen joke with each other in the Stuart Hall High School courtyard. Both schools student councils organized icebreakers such as "jukebox" where students were separated into four different groups and had to think of different songs with a key word in common without repeating the the previous ones sung.

Classes of 2020 meet for the first time

Darrean Loy, Reporter April 27, 2016

The student councils at both high schools greeted incoming freshmen at the annual Ice Cream Social held at Stuart Hall High School — the first time both classes of 2020 met each other.  “I think...

News publications will share leadership and space

News publications will share leadership and space

Darrean Loy, Reporter April 7, 2016

Two separate, 12-page, student-led news publications will be turning a page next year and joining forces, sharing a workspace and an adviser. Tracy Sena, Scholastic Journalism and Media Director, announced...

Award winning poet and author Naomi Shihab Nye expresses the impact writing holds on her life. During the assembly, she read select pieces from “Braided Creek,” her poem “Shoulders” and her prose piece, “Museum.”

Award winning poet and author shares importance of writing, poetry

Liana Lum, Editor-in-Chief April 4, 2016

Self-proclaimed “wandering poet” spoke about the power of poetry and writing with CSH and SHHS this morning during assembly in Syufy Theatre, reading from her own published works and other select pieces....

Senior Gio Oltranti jumps in the pool during the senior retreat on Sept. 3, 2015. Class of 2016 goes to St. Dorothy's Rest and retreat center in Camp Meeker.

Senior Retreat

Bea D’Amico, Photographer September 3, 2015

Illustration: Natalie Garnett

New exam dates align CSH and SHHS calendars

December 14, 2010

Katy Hallowell Reporter Students have traditionally spent past holiday breaks cramming for the final exams facing them upon return to school in the New Year, but this year’s new exam schedule will...

Many classes that are currently single-sex will have coed sections next year. CHS had a similar campus exchange program with the then all-boys St. Ignatius College Preparatory in the 1970s, however classes remained single-sex. Coed classes will be instructed by teachers from CSH and SHHS.

Several classes to be coed next year

March 31, 2010

Zoe Newcomb News Editor A significant change will take place next year as students at CSH and SHHS begin to participate in a program that will combine select courses with low enrollment into coed...

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