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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

AP Testing this week

Adele Bonomi, Assistant Web Editor May 9, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE This week juniors and seniors took Advanced Placement tests including the AP Chemistry Test, and Art History test, each lasting over three hours. “I took AP Art History this afternoon...

Junior Maggie Walter reviews an example passage from a past AP English Language and Composition exam. Walter will take the exam on Wednesday, May 16 with the rest of the IB and Honors English III Convent & Stuart Hall students.

Junior English classes prep for AP exam

Cece Giarman, Editor-in-Chief May 8, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE As students enrolled in Advanced Placement classes use their final classes for last minute studying for exams, a majority of juniors used their English class time to begin preparation for...

Sophomores listens to Ann Miller, guest speaker, during a meeting about leadership skills and inclusion.

Sophomores discuss class dynamic

Adele Bonomi, Assistant Web Editor May 4, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE The Sophomore Class met in Mother Williams Library today for an interactive discussion led by an outside speaker to discuss how to create a better class dynamic and develop stronger leadership...

Junior Trevor Blanc performs the last student poem before guest poets came to the stage to perform. Ten students from Convent and Stuart Hall read their poems to the student body.

Student body celebrates poetry

Sophia Aeby, Reporter April 30, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Poetry readings, rap battles, an acapella performance and “promposal” took over Syufy Theatre as Convent and Stuart Hall students gathered this morning for the annual Poetry Festival. The...

Anna Fletcher presents about female empowerment and her personal experiences as a women in politics. A new club at Convent, Empow(h)er addresses similar issues.

Club empowers young women

Gabriella Vulakh, Web Editor April 27, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Sophomores, juniors and seniors gathered in Syufy Theatre during designated meeting times to hear Anna Pletcher, who is running for Marin County District Attorney, present about her campaign...

The lacrosse team huddled up before the first half of the game. Convent won against Bay High School with a final score of 11-9.

Girls lacrosse team plays first game

Sophia Aeby, Reporter April 26, 2018

The newly formed Convent lacrosse team ended their first season with a scrimmage victory against Bay High School’s JV team. The lacrosse team was added as a spring sport this year and will become...

George Gigounas answers questions from students at the end of the presentation. Students can get involved in climate change by looking at the UNFCCC website or joining the Environmental Awareness Club.

Presentation on climate change

Caroline Thompson, Reporter April 23, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE George Gigounas, a representative from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change gave a presentation about climate change in Syufy Theatre this morning in honor of Earth Day. Adopted...

Junior Caroline Schulberg gives her speech to the students and teachers in the Chapel during elections today. Candidates ran for President, Vice President, Financial Officer and Operations Officer.

Student Body Elections held in Chapel

Adele Bonomi, Assistant Web Editor April 16, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students and teachers gathered in the Chapel this morning to hear election speeches for the roles of President, Vice President, Operations Officer and Financial Officer for the 2018-2019...

Senior Natalie Lunbeck works with machinery at a club meeting. The Innobotics Club was founded two years ago by Convent graduates.

Innobotics club provides a platform for engineering

Olivia Mohun, City Life Editor April 10, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Members of the Innobotics Club met in the Sparks Studio today to hold their weekly club meeting where students learned how to operate a laser printer. The engineering and design club encourages...

Junior Emma Hubbard hangs a campaign poster in the Center for her and junior Olivia Mohun, who are running as a President and Vice President team. Elections will be held in the Chapel on Monday, and results will be posted by the end of the day.

Student election process begins

Mason Cooney and Cassie Eskicioglu April 9, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students running for the 2018-2019 year’s Student Body began hanging posters today to campaign for elections next Monday. “[For members of the Student Body], commitment means attending...

The Philosophy Club meets for their weekly Monday discussion. The club is currently only freshmen but is open to accepting students from any grade level.

Freshmen lead new philosophy club

Adele Bonomi, Assistant Web Editor March 26, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE The Philosophy Club, made entirely of freshmen, met today at lunch in room 207 for their weekly discussion on moral decisions and how they affect world communities. “We created this...

Loss motivates Knights for next season

Cece Giarman, Laura Mogannam, and March 23, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE After a game filled with cheers and nail-biting moments from a crowd of over 400 Convent & Stuart Hall community members, the Stuart Hall Knights lost the 2018 CIF State Boys Basketball...

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