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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

National Book Award winner author Annette Gordon-Reed speaks to students about the history of Thomas Jefferson and slavery and how this narrative transcends into the present. Students met in smaller discussion groups after listening to the webinar to discuss various aspects of history’s legacy.

Visiting author discusses Jefferson, relation to slavery

Adele Fratesi, Senior Reporter November 18, 2020

WEB EXCLUSIVE Pulitzer Prize award winner Annette Gordon-Reed visited campus virtually to deliver a talk on her written works, focusing on Thomas Jefferson’s relationship to slavery. “Institutionally,...

Juniors study for a quiz in IBSL Biology on Tuesday, Nov. 17, the second day of Session 4. Most classes have a combination of students attending in-person and online to allow for family preferences.

Session 4 returns more students to campus

Paige Retajczyk, Senior Reporter November 17, 2020

WEB EXCLUSIVE Session 4 began on Monday with more students returning to campus following their testing negative for COVID-19, per the school's Health and Safety Plan. Before the session began, students...

Anxiety rises as votes continue to be counted

Anxiety rises as votes continue to be counted

Nina Gutierrez and Tala El Qadah November 4, 2020

Even before polls closed, waves of anxiety about the outcome of the election overcame many like sophomore Josie Flanagan causing them to be distracted and absent-minded in class.  “I have been feeling...

High school set to return to campus

High school set to return to campus

Olivia Rounsaville, Kassie DeJean, and Ella Noblin November 2, 2020

Although a return date has not been announced yet, faculty and staff are busy preparing to bring high schoolers back on campus. Despite school-wide protocols, special considerations and concerns remain...

Sophomore Ella Runneboom rides her Peloton in the guest room in her home. She participated in a 20 minute workout led by instructor Ally Love, the ride featured 90’s music.

Smart bikes ride into homes

Kassie DeJean and Ella Noblin October 26, 2020

With reduced access to gyms and fitness centers due to COVID-19 shelter in place,  a new generation of smart bikes are popping up in bedrooms, garages and basements, transforming the way many people are...

Families and students wait in line for coronavirus testing outside of Flood on Broadway. Convent & Stuart Hall has offered testing for families, faculty and staff since September as students begin to resume in-person learning.

No resting with testing

Gabrielle Guido, Web Editor October 26, 2020

In anticipation of the possibility of returning to in-person learning in the next few weeks, senior Eloise Laluyaux made the drive to the signature white marble mansion for the first time since last spring...

To form a relationship with your "sibling", steps like sharing contact information can help you connect.

Seniors and freshmen connect through tradition

Nina Gutierrez, Senior Reporter October 26, 2020

As freshmen navigate Zoom rather than hallways, Student Council has organized the Senior Sibling program to establish a connection between ninth and 12th graders. “We think this tradition is valuable...

Cece Giarman ('19) adjusts to new safety protocols including wearing masks at the University of Notre Dame. Students attended in-person classes after undergoing a two-week quarantine upon arriving on campus in the fall.

Alumnae adapt to safety measures as they return to universities

Adele Fratesi and Tala El Qadah October 26, 2020

Instead of reconnecting with peers and preparing for the new school year when she returned to the University of Notre Dame campus, Cece Giarman (’19) started off the semester sitting in a room quarantining...

Youths to staff polls

Madeline Thiara, Senior reporter October 26, 2020

San Francisco youth will help staff 588 polling places for Election Day on Nov. 3 as senior citizens, who generally make up the majority of poll workers, are unable to work during the pandemic. The...

Sophomore Azadeh Reiskin often skates in Forest Hill after school to get some fresh air and exercise. Some skaters gravitate towards skate parks, but for many of them, skating in residential areas also proves to be more appealing and lowkey.

Skateboarding popularity resurges in San Francisco

Clara Bonomi, Reporter October 26, 2020

With trend-setting fashion, a tight-knit community and a unique demographic, skateboarding has become a staple on San Francisco’s streets.  The sport has recently become a trend among social media...

Fall-themed activities for teens while maintaining safety regulations can be baking, watching horror movies, going to a pumpkin patch, and seeing friends virtually.

Halloween in quarantine

Darcy Jubb, Senior Reporter October 26, 2020

Halloween activities are shifting due to the coronavirus pandemic changing how teenagers and families are celebrating the holiday.  The City and County of San Francisco is discouraging trick-or-treating...

Junior Avery Stout works on homework in her newly redesigned room. Stout has recently painted her walls gray and added posters to her walls to have a change in her environment after spending all day at school in the same room for months.

Switching things up

Paige Retajczyk and Amelia Froyd-Kamrath October 26, 2020

After spending months at home with online school, many teens are reorganizing their bedrooms with trends varying from creating accent walls to adding plants or posters. "I have been meaning to repaint...

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