Rain, rain, don’t go away

Near flooding approaches the Flood Mansion, Siboni.

Julia-Rose Kibben

Juniors Olivia Hoekendijk and Bella Kearney eat lunch together in the Belvedere overlooking the soaked city. Rain collected and flooded in the balcony area outside the window.

Julia-Rose Kibben, Design Editor

Standing at the Siboni windows, students and teachers watched sheets of water skate down the Webster hill.

Rain fell throughout the morning, but during F Period, it began to pour.  

“I did hear the rain when it started hitting the windows,” junior Kayla Man said.

English students like Man were writing for the annual Kate Chopin Essay Contest when it began to rain.

“I lost my place in my essay, and I got really distracted because I started looking outside,” Man said. “I was like ‘Wait,  what am I doing?’”

Most students, however, welcomed the rain.

California is experiencing the lowest levels of precipitation in 119 years of rain records, and 100 percent of the state is in the drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.

By 11 a.m., the downpour had slowed to a drizzle, but most students stayed inside and crowded the Main Hall to stay dry.

“It’s a little bit of a pain having to get from building to building for classes if you do get wet, but it’s worth it,” sophomore Giulia Oltranti said. “I really do enjoy the rain.”

Hydrologists, who collect and analyze data on the distribution and quality of water, warn that California can expect frequent rainfall like this for the next two weeks.

“I am looking forward to and anticipating many days of rain,” Man said. “I’m into the rain, it makes me feel comfortable.”