The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Dany Ricci from San Francisco Suicide Prevention holds up her safety plan booklet, a guide she made for those feeling suicidal or emotionally unstable. Ricci spoke in assembly about signs an individual is suicidal and how to respond.

Suicide prevention assembly equips students

Mason Cooney, Copy Editor March 8, 2019

WEB EXCLUSIVE A speaker from San Francisco Suicide Prevention informed students in assembly about signs an individual is suicidal and how to respond. “What I wanted students to get out of assembly...

Miller Hall looks over fellow Legislative Aide Wyatt Donnelly-Lan Holts shoulder at an email from Supervisor Stefani in their office at City Hall. Miller Halls daily duties as a Legislative Aide include responding to emails and phone calls, working on projects within the district and managing all operations on Supervisor Stefanis schedule

All politics are local

Caroline Thompson, Senior Reporter December 18, 2018

When Ellie Miller Hall, ’07 left Convent High School 11 years ago for college on the East Coast, she had no idea she would one day return to her hometown of San Francisco to help build the future of...

Senior Emma Hubbard holds a Conny sticker against her iPhone in the Main Hall. Student Council began selling Conny, Slay and RV, standing for Robust Vulnerability, stickers today to fundraise for dances and Congé.

Fundraiser that will stick

Mason Cooney, Copy Editor October 1, 2018

Student Council began selling Convent-inspired stickers today to raise money for Congé and future dances. “We wanted to create stickers to not only make some extra student council funds but to bring...

Driving in business

Driving in business

Olivia Mohun, Features Editor September 28, 2018

While most 20-somethings in San Francisco find themselves in the back of an Uber from time to time, Emma Fahy (’09) has spent the last 19 months as one of the driving forces behind the company’s marketing...

Summer school offers alternative for time off

Mason Cooney, Copy Editor August 21, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE While many hopped on a plane or spent the summer in bed, other students hung around campus, opting to get ahead on course requirements or pursue their interests. “I decided to take...

Head of School Rachel Simpson places a floral wreath on the head of sophomore Kate Hindley during the 131st annual Prize Day ceremony. Each student received an award signifying the completion of their academic year.

Prize Day ceremony marks end of school year

Laura Mogannam, Managing Editor June 4, 2018

Freshmen, sophomores, juniors and faculty gathered in the chapel for the 131st annual Prize Day ceremony to celebrate the completion of the 2017-2018 school year. Each student processed in, receiving...

Joëlle Santos 09, right, holds up a sign at the International Womens Day celebration. Other U.N. Women raised awareness for movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp.

Alumna interns at U.N.

Mason Cooney, Copy Editor May 31, 2018

Ten years ago Joëlle Santos (‘09) envisioned herself at medical school, tailoring her courses at Convent to subjects like biology, and not expecting to pursue a career in international affairs or gender...

Juniors Maggie Walter and Worth Taylor deliver their joint speech for Senior Class Representatives. Student Council elections were held in the Chapel, followed by Class Representative speeches held separately by grade.

Student Council elections held today

Mason Cooney, Features Editor May 7, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students and faculty gathered in the Chapel today for Student Council speeches, then separated into grades to hear Class Representative speeches for the 2018-2019 school year. Students...

Environmental awareness club co-head Emma Hubbard and junior Poppy Cohen brainstorm ways of raising community awareness about climate change. Hubbard and junior Leet Miller began the club this year, which meets every other Wednesday.

Club helps environment one step at a time

Mason Cooney, Features Editor April 25, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Environmental awareness club met in Room 5210 to brainstorm ways that the community can reduce its carbon footprint. “Our goal is to raise awareness about the urgent issue of climate...

Junior Emma Hubbard hangs a campaign poster in the Center for her and junior Olivia Mohun, who are running as a President and Vice President team. Elections will be held in the Chapel on Monday, and results will be posted by the end of the day.

Student election process begins

Mason Cooney and Cassie Eskicioglu April 9, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students running for the 2018-2019 year’s Student Body began hanging posters today to campaign for elections next Monday. “[For members of the Student Body], commitment means attending...

Challenge accepted

Challenge accepted

Mason Cooney, Features Editor March 22, 2018

The world of viral internet challenges has overtaken Instagram and YouTube, as social media users circulate new fads each year, but some trends can put participants at serious health risks. Junior Sofia...

Avoiding the burnout

Avoiding the burnout

Gabriella Vulakh, Senior Reporter March 22, 2018

With finals, AP testing and IB exams marking the fourth quarter, some students may begin feeling unmotivated in classes and experience “burnout.” “I think one thing that is helpful if you are...

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