Students rehearse for Nöels


Sophia Aeby

French and Spanish teacher Pascal Parra practices a song with his students from his French II class. The French classes picked a new song this year.

Sophia Aeby, Reporter

WEB EXCLUSIVE After today’s Chapel students were divided into their foreign language classes to practice Nöels song in preparation for the four division gathering on Friday.

“It’s helpful for the new girls when the sophomore and juniors have sung the song in previous years,” Spanish teacher Mary Bicanic said. “The performance depends on what experience everyone has with the song and how new the song is to our program as well.”

Both the Spanish and Mandarin classes will sing the same songs from last year, “Mi Burrito Sabanero” and “Gong Xi Gong Xi Ni

“Our teacher chose a different song this year for Nöels, ‘Nouvelle Agreable’,” sophomore Rachel Santamaria, who takes French, said. “I’m pretty confident because we practiced multiple times but sometimes there are certain words people don’t understand.”

Students have been preparing in their language classes for three weeks as well as rehearsing their songs with musical instruments such as the ukulele and maracas.

“Students have trouble especially when there are words that sound similar to those used in English,” Bicanic said. “It can get a little tricky with pronunciation but in general [the songs] come out really well.”