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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Freshman Alia Mogannam uses a saw to construct a piece of the set. The crew spends about 10 hours a week working on the show.

Crew prepares for spring musical

Grace Krumplitsch, Reporter February 14, 2019

WEB EXCLUSIVE As actors rehearse for the spring musical, Love’s Labour’s Lost, crew members actively work backstage to sew costumes, build sets, and make props. “My job is to find and make all...

Freshman Grace Krumplitsch and juniors Bianca Mercado and Tommie Akamine perform the opening dance of "A Chorus Line" during the Convent & Stuart Hall pep rally last week. The cast and crew have been rehearsing the musical since December.

Spring musical cast and crew perform opening night

Gabriella Vulakh, Senior Reporter March 15, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Convent & Stuart Hall’s cast and crew performed the opening night of “A Chorus Line” by James Kirkwood Jr. and Nicholas Dante tonight at 7 p.m. in the Syufy Theatre. “A Chorus”...

Sophomore Delaney Tobin stands center stage in her role as female protagonist Hope Cladwell while the Urinetown cast rehearse the show’s final number with music director Denise Wharmby. The cast and crew worked in tandem as actors and actresses rehearsed the first act while crew members assembled the set’s foundations.

Spring musical cast able to rehearse in Syufy

Claire Kosewic, Web Editor February 27, 2017

The Siboni water damage and subsequent building closure left more than just math and science teachers without classrooms — with Syufy Theater closed, the cast and crew of “Urinetown” needed to relocate...

Theater department performs 'Les Misérables' to full houses

Theater department performs ‘Les Misérables’ to full houses

Julia-Rose Kibben and Lisabelle Panossian March 16, 2016

Seniors Lucius Johnson and Chloe Lovato  sing “Master of the House,” the anthem of the sneaky innkeepers Monsieur and Madame Thenardier. The Convent & Stuart Hall cast performed “Les Misérables”...

Students auditioning for the musical gathered in the Main Hall prior to the auditions. Potential cast members filled out  audition forms which included prior history in theatre and contact information.

Auditions set the stage for spring musical

Fiona Mittelstaedt, Senior Reporter December 1, 2015

Today marks the beginning of auditions for the upcoming spring musical, Les Miserables. “It's about a group of students rising up in paris to try to find peace and social justice for the common people,”...

Spring musical tells story of Cabaret dancer

March 18, 2011

The CSH/SHHS production of Cabaret follows the stories of writer Clifford Bradshaw (senior Christian Gherke), cabaret dancer Sally Bowles (senior Lauren Arnold), boarding house owner Fraulein Schneider...

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