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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

SING OUT The high school co-ed choir leads the school in the closing song, “Blessed Be Your Name." Students have been rehearsing the liturgy songs in the weeks leading up to the service.

Community celebrates All Saints’ Day

Grace Krumplitsch, Reporter November 1, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Convent & Stuart Hall High School students gathered at St. Vincent de Paul Church today to celebrate All Saints’ Day, a feast honoring the saints of the Catholic Church. “Saints...

Bryan Lorentz leads students and teachers in the song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart,” as he plays on guitar. New contemporary songs were also added to chapel singing.

Chapel kicks off the year with new music selection

Grace Krumplitsch, Audrey Pinard, and Gabriella Vulakh September 1, 2018

WEB EXCLUSIVE Students and teachers gathered in the Chapel Friday morning and joined in song for the first service of the year.      Unlike previous years, LIFE Coordinator Bryan Lorentz on guitar...

Spanish teacher Mary Bicanic leads the high school Spanish classes in singing "El Burrito Sabanero"  while juniors Darrean Loy, Kiki Apple and Delaney Tobin play the instruments. The majority of the high school students take Spanish as a foreign language class.

Community celebrates annual tradition

Sophia Aeby and Arianna Nassiri December 15, 2017

WEB EXCLUSIVE Convent & Stuart Hall celebrated the nearly century-old tradition Noëls in the Herbert Center with songs sung in four different languages — Latin, French, Spanish and Mandarin. Students,...

Choir performs a cappella set at assembly

Choir performs a cappella set at assembly

Claire Devereux, Senior Reporter September 2, 2016

The choir gave its first performance of the year at assembly in Siboni before lunch. “It was both a fun and challenging idea to have these young women step into the spotlight,”said Head of School...

Students auditioning for the musical gathered in the Main Hall prior to the auditions. Potential cast members filled out  audition forms which included prior history in theatre and contact information.

Auditions set the stage for spring musical

Fiona Mittelstaedt, Senior Reporter December 1, 2015

Today marks the beginning of auditions for the upcoming spring musical, Les Miserables. “It's about a group of students rising up in paris to try to find peace and social justice for the common people,”...

Freshman Caroline Phillipps introduces herself and her accomplishments as a singer during student club Armonìa A capella's introductory meeting in the chapel. /LP

‘Armonìa A capella’ club encourages the raw voice in its first meeting

Lisabelle Panossian, Web Editor September 23, 2015

Members of the student club Armonìa A capella gathered in the chapel today for their first meeting in the club’s second year, introducing themselves as well as their ideas.   As part of a club without...

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