Ceremony celebrates excellence in academics, service
Freshmen Cristina Jackson and Haya Jadallah return to their seats after receiving their flower crowns and certifications of completing the First Academic. This year’s Prize Day marked the 132nd annual ceremony.
June 5, 2019
WEB EXCLUSIVE In honor of the last day of school, students and faculty celebrated the 132nd Prize Day celebration.
“I think that it is really important to come together at the end of the school year,” freshman Cristina Jackson, who won the science award said. “It helps us remember that we are apart of a bigger community.”
Students wore full dress uniform and faculty wore academic dress. Each student was called up to receive a flower crown and academic completion card.
Faculty also awarded students for outstanding service scholarship and academic excellence within an individual subject area.
“This celebration was a really great opportunity to encourage each other’s accomplishments,” sophomore Olivia Callander said. “I loved having the chance to support my fellow classmates for everything that they achieved.”
Digital Literacy & Design teacher Doug Grant received the College Board’s Advanced Placement Computer Science Female Diversity Award on behalf of the school.
“This award has less to do with me and more to do with the students in our school and their engagement in computer sciences,” Grant said. “I think that it is really important that women not be excluded from something as important as computer science.”
At the end of the celebration class representatives and student body president for the 2019 to 2020 school year, Arianna Nassiri, gave speeches congratulating students and giving advice for the summer.
“I really enjoyed Arianna’s speech,” Jackson said. “It was really funny and heartwarming, and it was nice to see her step into the role of student body president.”