School year comes to an end
Freshmen walk to the front of the Chapel to receive their flower crowns and certificate of completion of the First Academic from Head of School Rachel Simpson during Prize Day. Some students also received special awards for specific subject areas.
June 5, 2019
WEB EXCLUSIVE Students took their final exams for A and E Periods on Monday which concluded finals testing for the 2018 to 2019 school year. Each class met yesterday for 15 minutes in order for teachers to hand back graded tests and essays from the past week.
“I’m sad that we had our last class meetings because I won’t be able to see my friends anymore every day in the summer,” junior Bella Shea said.
Classes took place between 8 a.m. and 11:45 a.m. yesterday with PAWS advisory meetings following from 12:30 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. Grades 9 to 11 Prize Day ran from 12:45 p.m. to 2 p.m.
“I am happy that we met with our advisories one last time before the year ended because we were able to say goodbye to everyone,” sophomore Alliza Manayan said. “Honestly, these last couple of days made me realize how fast the school year has gone by.”
Prize Day recognized various student’s academic and service achievements. Members of Student Council shared gratitude at the end of the ceremony as a way to end the school year in a thoughtful way.
“I was really excited but also a little sad for Prize Day because this is my last one with the rest of the school,” Shea said. “I love seeing everyone in their flower crowns and the ceremony was really beautiful.”