Student body partakes in community elections

Sophomore Saron Asfaw delivers her speech for junior class representative for the next school year. Voting will take place on Monday.
May 3, 2019
WEB EXCLUSIVE Students gathered in the Syufy Theatre to hear their classmates’ speeches for community representative positions for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. After the community representative speeches, grade levels split up to hear individual class representative speeches.
Students could run for various leadership positions including art, athletic, Campus L.I.F.E., equity and inclusion and spirit representatives.
“Given the fact that we’re a community and we’re seeking to fulfil our goal for commitment as a Christian value, it serves us to have students who can put themselves out there and who can lead by example to improve the daily culture of life here,” Community Life Chair Paul Pryor Lorentz said.
Students running for representative positions hung up posters earlier this week around the Broadway campus to promote their campaign.
“As a transfer, I have been so glad to see so much participation in my new school community,” sophomore Driscoll Callan said. “The posters made me motivated to discover more about people’s campaigns and I always love walking by and seeing their creativity.”
Current freshmen had the opportunity to run for sophomore class representative, which provided them with a sense of inclusion into the Convent student government.
“If elected, I would be so excited to get more involved in the school and hopefully make a difference,” freshman Clementine Mohun, who ran for sophomore class representative said. “Being a voice for my class next year would be an amazing opportunity, and I’ve always wanted to have a chance to make a change in our community.”
Students have the weekend to think about their voting decisions. Voting will happen throughout the day on Monday.
“I’m very hopeful for next year’s leadership team,” Pryor Lorentz said. “The students have such a strong desire to be leaders in the community and we could have a great leadership team for next year with any combination of students who put themselves out there today.”