High school celebrates All Saints’ Day with community Mass

Estie Seligman

Sophomores Zoe Hinks, Michelle Wang and Abby Widjanarko wait for Mass to begin. The Mass was coed, so students from the Broadway Campus had to wait for students coming from the Pine-Octavia campus arrive.

Estie Seligman, Reporter

A 45 minute All Saints’ Day Mass was held today at St. Vincent de Paul Church with students from both Convent and Stuart Hall.

“The mass was very different from others I’ve been to in the past,” freshman Grace O’Reilly said, “In the past, I went to masses where there was a lot of discrimination.”

All Saint’s Mass commemorates the miracle of changing the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ, according to The Rev. Kenneth Westray.

“This year was more inclusive,” junior Star Hooper said. “We sang a lot together in group songs.”

The mass this year included a group song, “Lean On Me,” and unlike previous years, did not have lyrics projected for communal songs.

“We don’t usually sing songs that are so inclusive and where everyone knows the song so well,” senior Candice Weinman said. “We were all singing and laughing, it made the Mass more connective.”