Bone appetit
Dog owners share Thanksgiving meal with pets
Samantha Jackson
Junior Cristina Jackson prepares food for her dog Buster. The family makes specialty meals for the dog on holidays like Thanksgiving and his birthday.
November 21, 2020
WEB EXCLUSIVE Some family dogs are getting a full gourmet experience on Thursday by being included in the feast, but there are things to keep in mind when feeding dogs Thanksgiving foods.
“I prepare a dinner for my dog Buster every Thanksgiving because he needs to be celebrated as well,” junior Cristina Jackson said. “My family is careful to not give him anything that could make him sick.”
Undercooked turkey meat can cause salmonella and eating bones can be harmful to a dog’s digestive system, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
“I think it’s really important to include your pets in holidays so they don’t feel left out,” junior Shelby Low said. “It can also be fun to get creative in making something new for your pet.”
Whether it is store-bought treats or specially curated plates, food is a way to show appreciation for pets on holidays.
“We take all the leftover turkey and ham and make him a dinner of leftovers,” Jackson said. “We want him to feel included in the celebration.”
Making sure dogs are given a safe amount of food, like a couple of boneless turkey pieces or uncooked vegetables, will make sure they stay healthy, according to the ASPCA.
“On Thanksgiving I give my dog shredded chicken and make it into a mound with vegetables around it, then I garnish on top with a little thyme,” Low said.
Meats like chicken, turkey and pork are all safe for dogs to eat as long as they don’t include bones and are fully cooked, according to the American Kennel Club.
“He is a big part of our family,” Jackson said. “Having him be a part of Thanksgiving makes the holiday even more fun and special.”