Students take on finals

Sarah El Qadah

Junior Audrey Hunnicutt and sophomore Darcy Jobb prepare for their finals in the art studio on the Pine/Octavia campus. Both campuses will be used as a study space throughout the week.

Gabrielle Guido, Senior Reporter

With finals well under way, students are studying and meeting with teachers for support in order to ensure success this week.   

In addition to casual dress, the school minimizes the pressure on students with long lunch periods and only two testing periods in a day. 

“The projects that I’m doing in class really stress me out,” sophomore Darcy Jubb said. “But I’m trying to get a good night’s sleep and eat a good breakfast to help myself.”

The support the faculty provides goes beyond scheduling and is geared towards working with students to prepare for exams and move into the more growth-oriented standards based grading. 

“I get stressed out because of the impact that finals has on my grades,” junior Beimnet Lesanework said. “But my teachers are really helping me, and I’m trying to move away from that focus.”

It is suggested that teens take a break from social media, practice time management and breathing exercise, sleep and exercise in order to relieve stress, according to Active Minds, a nonprofit organization focused on supporting adolescent mental health and education. 

“Get enough rest whether that is through naps or a full night of sleep,” said junior Tara Boyd, co-founder of the Happiness Club, which earlier this week sent out an email on stress relieving activities. “Take breaks while studying to get some fresh air too to let your brain take a minute to process the material.”

Breathing exercises are one way of combating stress as it lowers fatigue, heart rate, boosts confidence, lowers frustration and improves concentration according to the Mayo Clinic. Meditation, espacio and yoga are all helpful means of bringing awareness to breathing. 

“I spend about 4 hours a day studying for finals,” Lesanework said. “But what helps me destress if listening to good music.”

Throughout this week, students are encouraged to meet with teachers and engage in low-stress activities. 

“I feel supported by my teachers because they allow meetings with us,” Jubb said “This, in addition to our designated study day on Friday for meeting with teachers was very helpful for me.”