Robotics club members build a dollhouse

Audrey Pinard

Junior Zoe Hinks and Michelle Wang measure the dimensions of a dollhouse they are creating for their International Baccalaureate Creativity, Activity and Service Project. They have been working on the project since February in the Herbst House wood shop.

Audrey Pinard, Reporter

WEB EXCLUSIVE Two Robotics Club members are constructing a dollhouse in the Herbst House woodworking area for their International Baccalaureate Creativity, Activity and Service Project.

“We do not have woodworking classes and have not been offered robotics as a course since our freshman year,” Zoe Hinks, who is the President of Robotics Club, said. “But we wanted to continue to provide a platform for students who have an interest in those areas.”

Michelle Wang, Vice President of Robotics Club, and Hinks completed measuring the dimensions of the exterior walls of their dollhouse today. They plan to donate the project to a community center after they have finished assembling and decorating it.

“We are able to do things our own way with nothing restricting us from creating our own curriculum,” Wang said. “Working at our own pace allows us to recognize the mistakes we have made, correct them and continue moving forward.”

They began their project in February under the guidance of Computer Programming teacher Liam Carey. Hinks and Wang have also worked with Technical Theater Manager Chris Miller to cut the pieces of wood for the dollhouse with a table saw machine.

“The independence we have in doing projects like this is important because it prepares us for the real world,” Hinks said. “I love this space where we are able to do woodworking since not many other people use it. It is like our own little woodshop.”