Swimmers prepare for upcoming season

Amy Phipps

Coach Isabel St. Ives discusses the upcoming swim season. The first practice is next Monday, Jan. 28.

Amy Phipps, Reporter

WEB EXCLUSIVE With spring sports starting next week, Convent & Stuart Hall students met during Collab today to discuss the upcoming swim season.

Coach Isabel St. Ives who has coached the Convent & Stuart Hall team for two years says she is excited about the season.

“I love seeing our swimmers come in and watching them grow and develop as athletes and as people,” St. Ives said.

Students meet five times a week from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm for practice at either the Hamilton Recreation Center or school. All swimmers practice and race together.

“I really like the practices because they are a great way to exercise,” junior Brooke Wilson said. “You work all your muscles.”

Freshman Finley Simon, who swam club before, says she is excited to start swimming with the high school.

“I am excited to be on a team with upperclassmen and meet new people from different grades,” Simon said. “I am excited to get back into it.”

The first practice is next Monday and the first swim meet will be on Feb. 28 against International High School.

“At the end of the season, I send out a list of everybody’s scores and how much they have improved,” St. Ives said. “Seeing students realize they are much more capable than what they orginally thought is the most rewarding thing I can get out of coaching this team.”