Student Body Elections held in Chapel
Junior Caroline Schulberg gives her speech to the students and teachers in the Chapel during elections today. Candidates ran for President, Vice President, Financial Officer and Operations Officer.
April 16, 2018
WEB EXCLUSIVE Students and teachers gathered in the Chapel this morning to hear election speeches for the roles of President, Vice President, Operations Officer and Financial Officer for the 2018-2019 school year.
“I think it’s important to have a student leader because ultimately a school is about the experience of the students and no one can empathize with the needs of the student body more than the students themselves,” junior Emma Hubbard, who ran for Vice President said. “I am running because I enjoy being a leader and taking action on issues that are of concern to the community.”
Candidates were given the option to present speeches individually or in pairs for the Vice President and President positions, however, had to be voted for separately on the ballot.
“I would like to see a strong leader who can connect with students in every grade,” sophomore Kai Johnson said. “I want to vote for someone with a prominent voice as well as someone with respectable ideas.”
Being a leader carries weight since other students observe and model their behaviors, according to history teacher Michael Stafford.
“Our best leaders have been incredibly involved in the community,” Stafford said. “They attend all events, give back to the school and inspire other people to get involved as well.”
Johnson, among other students, says she wants improved fundraising opportunities in order to create more school events and higher quality dances.
“I would really like to see better preparation and funding for events,” Johnson said. “I think that would definitely lure more people to the events.”
A strong Student Body President uplifts all of the students and invites all to share their views, according to Stafford.
“A really good leader does not just do the work herself, but inspires others to do the work with her,” Stafford said. “That is the kind of leadership that we want to cultivate at Convent.”
After the elections, students were invited to vote for the candidates in a Google Survey. Positions were announced at the end of the school day. The 2018-2019 school year Student Body Council will include President Kiki Apple, Vice President Mason Cooney, Operations Officer Emily Kanellos and Financial Officer Cece Giarman.