Chapel makes space for reflection of last week’s events
L.I.F.E. Director Sergio Vasquez led the “Courage and Voice” chapel where he had sophomores reflect on their trip to Costa Rica. The 2017 trip to Costa Rica has been going on for 4 years.
January 23, 2017
Today’s chapel theme, “Courage and Voice” focused on the sophomores experiences on the President’s annual Costa Rica trip, while also addressing the presidential inauguration and the subsequent displays of “voice.”
L.I.F.E. Director Sergio Vasquez led the service, which began with some context about the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the courageous journey St. Philippine Duchesne undertook to bring girls’ education to the United States.
Vasquez then related Duchesne’s experience on the ship Rebecca to the experience the sophomores had in Costa Rica last week, with the theme of journeys and stretching comfort zones.
“I never expected it be so amazing,” sophomore Cat Tseyref said of the trip. “It exceeded all of my expectations, and it’s an experience I’ll never forget.”
Sophomores and faculty chaperones were given the chance to share fears they overcame, personal “turning points” or simply their favorite moments.
“I knew I was going to enjoy rafting,” sophomore Emmy Sobol said. “I was so scared of the ziplining because my biggest fear is heights, but I had fun and enjoyed it very much.”
Vasquez ended the service by sharing a reflection on the Walk for Life and the Women’s Marches which occurred this weekend, and encouraged students to raise their voices about things they care about, in whatever way possible and whenever they have the opportunity.