First current events club meeting held today

Emily Kanellos

Librarian and Social Hour Club moderator Alyson Barrett-Ryan poses for a picture after a club meeting. She met with club at lunch for its first meeting.

Emily Kanellos and Natalia Varni

Sophomores and juniors met in the Mother Williams Library at lunch for the inaugural meeting of the Social Hour Club, whose focus is current events discussion.

The club plans to meet at least twice a month on Blue Tuesdays with the intention to help inform members of the community about the relevant issues of today.

“It is a social hour and a way to discuss politics that is not in a structured school environment,” club moderator Alyson Barrett-Ryan said. “I am very passionate about supervising the club especially in these contentious political times.”

The club hopes to focus on current events and politics, especially the current presidential race.

“I decided to join because I am really interested in women in politics,” sophomore Avery Van Natta said. “It is really important for students to have a place to discuss these issues outside of class.”

Club members found it important to have a place where they could openly discuss their beliefs on current events.

“I was excited because it is a more comfortable place to discuss these issues than with your friends or in class,” sophomore Samantha Stovell said. “It is important to not get to consumed and blinded to the outside world in our beautiful mansion.”

The club hopes to increase its size next year, but are currently excited for right now, according to Barrett-Ryan.

“I like the intellectualism and the dedication that the ladies are all bringing to the club,” Barrett-Ryan said.