Themed dress days raise spirit for Homecoming

Asha Khanna

Seniors Katie Newbold and Delaney Moslander wear coordinating outfits for today’s color day. The two handed out colorful bead necklaces to less eager participants.

Asha Khanna, Copy Editor

The annual spirit week kicked off today with “color day,” and various themes will follow throughout the week, culminating in two sporting events and a dance.

Unlike in previous years, the themes are not split between particular grades, according to student body secretary Dot Wetmore.

“At first, we were thinking ‘Oh, we could do decades day and have seniors be ’80s, or sophomores be ’60s,’’ Wetmore said. “But we decided we wanted everyone to feel included, so we decided we would have all-inclusive spirit days and not assign a each grade something different.”

Tomorrow’s theme, decades day, will be followed by pajama day on Wednesday and school spirit on Friday. Mandatory dress uniform on Thursday will interrupt the schedule in accordance with the Mass of the Holy Spirit.

“I’m going all out for spirit week,” senior Delaney Moslander said. “I’m probably most excited for today, color day, because I have a lot of vibrant colors in my closet that I rarely wear but I was able to use them for this occasion.”

Both JV and varsity volleyball will have games on Friday night at Convent as part of the Homecoming weekend, according to Wetmore.

Student body will sell Homecoming shirts for $20 throughout the week during lunch in preparation for the Stuart Hall varsity football game at 2 p.m. this Saturday at Boxer’s Stadium.

“I’m going to watch the game because I’m really looking forward to supporting the Stuart Hall football team,” Moslander said. “I rarely get to support Stuart Hall athletics, so this is a really good opportunity for me — and the whole school — to support the boys.”

The annual Homecoming dance will be held at Convent from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Saturday night. Admission is $15, but will be discounted at $10 for students who also purchase a Homecoming shirt.