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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Sophomore Grace Boudreau reviews theology slides before her final presentation in class. Students were asked to give eight to ten minute summaries of an assigned passage, including any and all connections made to them.

Sophomores wrap up exegetical project

Cece Giarman, Reporter December 13, 2016

Sophomore students began the second presentation day for theology exegetical projects this morning, presenting their in-depth analyses of biblical passages and connections found to other faiths. “As...

The Broadview staff celebrates their national recognition from the National Scholastic Press Association with a cake in the Publications Lab. The staff picked up the awards last week at the NSPA convention in Los Angeles, CA.

The Broad View: 4/18/16 – 4/22/16

Jemima Scott, Photographer April 25, 2016

 Senior Clara Phipps practices yoga in her theology class as a break from their lessons on ecojustice and catholic social teachings.  The senior theology classes are finishing up the year with group ecojustice presentations on topics of their choice including topics such as keystone species, fracking and pollution.

The Broad View: 4/4/16 – 4/8/16

Bea D’Amico, Photography Editor April 10, 2016

Seniors Sarah Niehaus, Christina Berardi, and Alex Wood (left to right) take notes during a  seminar style senior theology class.

Seminar satisfies seniors

October 3, 2014

Tatiana Gutierrez Editor-in-Chief Senior Kathryn Yu eases into her Monday morning as she grabs a seat in the middle of the semi-circle of desks lining the Duchesne Room, stretches out her legs on top...

Senior Nicola Forbes scans the ceiling of the Porziuncola Nuova, located in North Beach. SOPHIA REDFERN| The Broadview

Seniors visit Porziuncola Nuova

February 7, 2012

Madison Riehle Reporter The Senior Class toured the Porziuncola Nuova, a replica of the church St. Francis of Assisi is credited to have rebuilt, as part of its studies on Christian mystics late...

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