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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Sophomore Amaliya Sypult looks out to catch a wave at Rodeo Beach in Marin County. Since the beginning of quarantine, Sypult has surfed twice a month on the weekends.

Surfers catch waves

Paige Retajczyk and Ella Noblin February 20, 2021

Teens looking to catch a monster wave are lining Northern California’s beaches on any given weekend has taken an uptick during the coronavirus pandemic as it has become an outlet for exercise while still...

Juniors study for a quiz in IBSL Biology on Tuesday, Nov. 17, the second day of Session 4. Most classes have a combination of students attending in-person and online to allow for family preferences.

Session 4 returns more students to campus

Paige Retajczyk, Senior Reporter November 18, 2020

WEB EXCLUSIVE Session 4 began on Monday with more students returning to campus following their testing negative for COVID-19, per the school's Health and Safety Plan. Before the session began, students...

Puppy pals help combat isolation, loneliness from shelter-in-place

Charlotte Ehrlich, Adele Fratesi, and Nicole Klein August 19, 2020

With the continued shelter-in-place order, many San Franciscans are looking at adoption agencies to invite the presence of a furry friend into their hearts and homes to combat feelings of isolation and...

Editorial: Consider others and stay home

Editorial: Consider others and stay home

Staff Editorial March 16, 2020

WEB EXCLUSIVE Leaving the house to meet up with friends or inviting classmates over to complete homework assignments may seem harmless for teenagers who are not as likely to suffer complications from COVID-19,...

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