As students are finishing off their last week of school for November, San Francisco brings severe weather warnings and storms to the bay. The weather is permeating the Bay Area and is causing early snowfall in eastern California. This change of weather is affecting students in and outside of class.
“I have to walk in between campuses very often,” junior Noella Tae said. “When it is raining outside the walks make me feel soaked, and during class I get distracted because of how uncomfortable I am,”
Droughts are a renowned part of life in California, accompanied with the perpetuating fog in San Francisco. California has had many significant on and off droughts, including the 5 year-event of 2012-2016, according to the California Department of Water Resources. Other droughts include but are not limited to those in 2007-2009, 1987-1992, 1976-1977, with dry conditions lasting more than a decade in the 1920s and 1930s.
“Despite being very uncomfortable and damp for days on end, the rain is definitely helping California’s ongoing drought,” junior Abby Quigley said. “I hope that this particular set of showers will help California finally end its drought and help prevent similar situations in the future,”
These rains are creating difficulties for students who need to walk between campuses, with many relying on ordering Ubers or driving to stay dry. Additionally, this weather has lowered the students’ motivation in school, according to Quigley.
“We have a lot of restrictions on commuting to school and general safety, but I am hopeful that everyone will be able to stay safe during these times,” Abby Quigley said. “It’s definitely getting hard to focus because I’m looking forward to the break but I still have to study and do schoolwork,”
Overall, the students are trying to stay safe and dry throughout the storm. With flights having been canceled because of the rain travel plans shift for many.
“Despite the rain and how uncomfortable it may be to sit in class in soaking wet jeans, I love the weather,” Tae said. “I associate this weather with staying home and spending time with my family and I hope others are able to feel the same.”