Decorating discussions

Students discuss decorating for the holidays

Ada Linde

Christmas trees and winter holiday decorations are set up at the Broadway campus.

Fiona Kenny, Reporter

The Broadway campus’ winter holiday decorations were set up on the day students returned from Thanksgiving break. Christmas trees and wreaths are used to encompass the schools’ holiday spirit.  

Fall officially ended on Nov. 30, marking the beginning of the winter season, according to freshman Philippa Fichtner. The beginning of winter is the perfect time to start decorating for the holidays.

“I’m not the biggest fan of Thanksgiving so I look forward to the winter holidays more,” Fichtner said. “I think that the time around winter and Thanksgiving is a fine time to start decorating for Christmas,” 

While some don’t mind decorations before the start of December, freshman Maggie White says any decorations put out before the beginning of December would be taken down by her personally. 

“I’m very against putting holiday decorations up before Thanksgiving because the winter holidays start on December first,” White said. “If I saw any decorations up in November, they would be taken down by me for sure,”

Thanksgiving marks the end of fall, introducing us to the winter season, according to freshman Alisa Houts. Thanksgiving should have its time but the holidays overlapping is fine.

“I think giving Thanksgiving its time is good, but I think that putting out Christmas lights before Thanksgiving and not lighting them up is fine,” said Houts. “Definitely no trademark Christmas type decorations before Thanksgiving, though,”

Since December first is well past, students from both upper and lower forms enjoy the festive decorations all around Convent & Stuart Hall campuses, according to Fichtner. 

“The decorations that we have up now are absolutely beautiful,” Fichtner said. “Whenever my classes start at Broadway, they make my morning so much more enjoyable.”