Sports ‘Media’-ting

Club initiates first ‘Media Day’ for sports teams

Courtney Hall

Seniors Noor El Qadah, Ella Woods, Samantha Calvin, Keira Blattberg, Bella Alarcon, and Peyton Falconer pose for their Media Day shoot on Wednesday. Next on the club’s photographing list: field hockey, tennis, and cross country.

Ada Linde, Web Editor

The Sports Media Club is already making their mark on the school by initiating ‘Media Days’ for the school’s athletic teams. 

Students will use their media pictures to promote their teams and game schedules. The club, run by senior Samantha Calvin, shot the volleyball and football teams on Wednesday.

“Our club was founded to create an outlet for students to represent our athletics and generate school spirit,” Calvin said. “We hope it will gain traction and become a powerhouse for producing edits, photos, and getting fans to come to games,”

Calvin has acquired 15 members, including faculty sponsor Michael Beleson, co-leader Julian Zeppa, and photographer Courtney Hall.

“We shot the volleyball and football teams first because the homecoming games are coming up,” Hall said. “We wanted them to be able to put their pictures on posters and have them for their Instagrams,”

Homecoming games this year will feature the volleyball teams on Friday, Sep. 30 at the Herbert Center and the varsity football team will play on the following Saturday at Kezar Stadium. 

“I’m a pretty regular photographer around school,” Hall said. “I shoot for the Broadview and yearbook, to mention a few, so I’m excited to add to my resume,”

Next on the club’s list are field hockey, cross country, and tennis, according to Hall. Shots are limited to varsity teams only, because of numbers and access to cameras. 

“I’m excited to see the club’s legacy on campus,” Calvin said. “We know we’ll grow bigger and establish ourselves here, so hopefully we can begin to shoot JV and other teams soon.”