Student spectators return to Broadway gym

New athletics policy allows attendance at volleyball games

Anisha Hu

Student spectators cheer on the varsity volleyball team as they enter the third set of the match. The Athletics Department has permitted student attendance of all volleyball home games.

Anisha Hu, Reporter

WEB EXCLUSIVE | The frosh, junior varsity and varsity volleyball teams were cheered on by a live audience in their matches against Marin Academy this evening. 

As student athletes navigate through a season of COVID-19 regulated practices and competitions, spectators are now allowed to attend all volleyball games in-person in the Herbert Center gymnasium, according to an update sent by Dana Kuwahara, Head of Athletics and Physical Education.  

“It’s a great atmosphere and it’s more exciting when you’re at your own school,” sophomore Ava-Lucia Barbagelata said. “At every game I’ve gone to there have been tons of people that come to cheer the team on so it’s fun to see some familiar faces.”

The new policy regarding student attendance requires spectators to be prepared to show proof of vaccination status and to wear their masks all times, according to Kuwahara. Students must also remain on the mezzanine level. 

“We will also pay attention to the capacity rule,” Kuwahara said. “If we meet the capacity requirements we won’t be able to accomodate everybody, but we should be ok.” 

Tonight’s games offered students a chance to voice their support for the teams. An email sent by Student Body President Jennifer Surjadi encouraged spectators to sport Cubs merchandise or red or white clothing.

“The cheering is a different energy,” junior Lucia Ahearne said. “You can feel it.”

Compared to watching the matches online, spectating in-person offered not only a different level of energy but also an entirely different experience, according to junior Roxy Comerford.

“It’s a really fun social event,” Comerford said. “I can see my friends on the sidelines and see everyone who is there and I love cheering everyone on in-person.”

While volleyball games have regained their audience this season, the future of student attendance for other sports is still uncertain. The Athletics Department will continue to see what they can do to allow more spectators to come to other sporting events as well moving forward, according to Kuwahara.

“When you’re watching online the team doesn’t know that you’re there,” Barbagelata said. “It’s better for them to have people spectating in-person. The team can hear people that they know cheering them on.”