Customized fitness videos encourage athleticism



Tala El Qadah, Reporter

WEB EXCLUSIVE While the shelter-in-place order in response to the spread of COVID-19 has caused gyms to close and sports to be canceled, athletic trainer Barclay Spring is making daily workout videos for the school community. 

The workout videos are four to eight-minutes long and have Spring explaining and demonstrating each step of the workout. Each workout of the day is meant to help motivate the community during this long period of time at home, according to Spring. 

“The community needs accountability and direction for their health,” Spring said. “I have realized how much people need and want it.” 

The videos include different exercises such as push-ups, squat jumps and mountain climbers. Each workout takes about 25-30 minutes and varies in focuses, ranging from abdominals to thighs. 

“I appreciate Barclay posting his workouts online daily,” freshman Josie Flanagan said. “Without having practice every day, it has been hard for me to continue working out but his videos really help me get a reminder to exercise every day.”

Spring also has a website with different types of workouts such as “The Tabata style” workout, “The Medicine Ball” and “The 300”. These workout tutorials show each exercise individually and in detail.

“I have not really had the opportunity to go to Barclay’s gym because of other sports.” freshman Sage Swartz said. “But now since I can not go to practices, I find it really nice and motivating that Barclay still explains and has a workout for us.”
With the shelter-in-place closing campus, Spring no longer has an open gym, so he uses the videos to engage with the community while offering strength training remotely.  

“Getting feedback has motivated me to increase my presence online,” Spring said. “I know that it is a tough time for everyone and I am grateful that I can help others.”