History students learn study tips
Sophomore Shana Ong takes notes on history teacher Karen Fry’s study techniques. Sophomores studied the lead up to the Civil War.
January 30, 2020
WEB EXCLUSIVE Sophomores in US history learned tools to help them relate supporting facts to a big idea and line of historical reasoning in preparation for an in-class essay.
Students are studying the cause of the Civil War and history teacher Karen Fry connects this study technique to the material discussed in the lesson regarding the events leading up to the Civil War.
“We are trying to see beyond names, dates, and facts in history,” Fry said. “I teach history in a way that emphasises how one presents an argument and how one proves it in order to think critically.”
Students will continue learning about the road to the Civil War and then will transition to learning about the events that took place during the war and the historical impact it has had on the United States.
“I’m grateful we’re learning about how to support our personal arguments and beliefs,” sophomore Mads Richardson said. “This skill will be incredibly useful in the future of our academic careers.”
Students learned to create identification definitions for their upcoming end of unit essay. These terms will aide students in a deeper understanding of the content of the unit.
“I’ve never written or been taught identifications before,” sophomore Bridget Mills said. “I am looking forward to learning about them and using it as a study tool in the future.”
Students will be prepared for the work in college by learning the study tools we discuss in class, according to Fry.
“I don’t think everyone is going to love history, but I hope students will have an appreciation for it,” Fry said. “History is so prevalent in our everyday lives so I hope through my class students are able to think critically about the information surrounding them.”