Advisories discuss climate change
Anthoney Reyes’ advisory discusses Greta Thunberg and her thoughts on environmental issues. The discussion continued from last week’s meeting where students watched videos about climate change.
September 23, 2019
WEB EXCLUSIVE Students gathered in advisory groups to share their opinions on environmental issues in response to the 16-year-old environmental activist Greta Thunberg’s address to world leaders.
The discussion built off last week’s advisory where students watched several videos about climate change and discussed its impact on the world.
“When dealing with an issue that is often looked at through an academic lense, it is beneficial to engage the topic through a less formal and more open form,” advisor Anthoney Reyes said. “Advisee groups that are small allow for that to happen.”
Advisories listened to Thunberg speak about climate change and its rapid effects on the world. When the video was complete, the remaining time was spent within the advisory engaging in a dialogue about Thunberg’s words.
“It was interesting watching someone my age speak so eloquently and well-informed about an issue that many adults struggle to understand,” sophomore Amelia Abernethy said. “I am now more motivated to help the cause.”
Thunberg attends a private high school in Sweden but, she has taken time off to attend various summits and conferences in order to discuss to the environment.
“I think it’s important that we have people from our generation that are passionate about climate change because it’s our generation that will be impacted the most,” sophomore Sage Gould said. “Kids will listen to other kids more than adults because they can relate more.”
Advisories will finish their conversations and possibly watch more videos on this topic next week.
“The purpose of advisory is to have a place where people feel comfortable sharing questions, ideas and opinions on current issues that affect their everyday lives,” Reyes said.