Chapel kicks off the year with new music selection
Bryan Lorentz leads students and teachers in the song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart,” as he plays on guitar. New contemporary songs were also added to chapel singing.
September 1, 2018
WEB EXCLUSIVE Students and teachers gathered in the Chapel Friday morning and joined in song for the first service of the year.
Unlike previous years, LIFE Coordinator Bryan Lorentz on guitar and music teacher Grace Renaud on piano introduced contemporary music during Chapel. The new songs, including “Hallejulah,” “Lean on me,” and “My Girl,” were added in order to engage students who may not practice a religion or may practice other faiths according to Lorentz.
“I really think that this year’s chapel is a lot better than previous years because the music brings a much stronger sense of community,” sophomore Ella Holliday said. “Upbeat music gives you more life and people can come together.”
The service continued with Renaud rehearsing the school song Coeur de Jesus with students. In honor of this year’s theme of “robust vulnerability,” all students were encouraged to participate in the joint singing according to Lorentz.
“I want students to feel empowered to share their insight and experience through music, poetry, and chapel talks,” Lorentz said.“This year is going to be really exciting. I’m stoked.”
Chapel is a Convent tradition with an emphasis on self-reflection, gratitude and coming together in prayer as a community. Each chapel service begins with mindfulness and “espacio” activities led by LIFE Representative Laura Mogannam and ends with students expressing gratitude for their peers and teachers.
“[This Chapel] emphasized that we are in a space where everyone gets together and feels comfortable in expressing their own opinions, and beliefs and that we can practice our own faiths,” junior Ella Beard said.