Innobotics club provides a platform for engineering

Senior Natalie Lunbeck works with machinery at a club meeting. The Innobotics Club was founded two years ago by Convent graduates.

Olivia Mohun, City Life Editor

WEB EXCLUSIVE Members of the Innobotics Club met in the Sparks Studio today to hold their weekly club meeting where students learned how to operate a laser printer.

The engineering and design club encourages young women to become innovators while fostering a spirit of community, according to club head Halie Kim.

“I want to provide as many opportunities and possibilities for the young women in our community to pursue an interest or passion in STEM, and especially engineering,” Senior Kim said.

The club is a great way to learn more about a possible career in STEM or related fields, according to Junior Emma Hubbard.

“I joined the club because I’ve always been interested in engineering,” Hubbard said. “I thought it would be a great way to see if it was something I might like to pursue in the future”

The group meets every Tuesday at lunch where they work with club moderator Chris Person-Rennell.

“Women don’t have equal representation in STEM fields,” Kim said. “Our club’s aim is to inspire girls’ interests in these fields and show them how fun it is to design and build.”