Freshmen begin week of bonding

Laura Mogannam

Freshmen gather during lunch in small groups to discuss the Goals & Criteria. In the past, freshmen participated in CORE, a class which focused on bonding as class once a month instead of one straight week.

Cassie Eskicioglu, Senior Reporter

WEB EXCLUSIVE Freshmen from Convent and Stuart Hall will join together throughout the week to focus on personal growth, building community, service and reflection as a full grade.

“It runs a parallel program to Costa Rica, like a Costa Rica prep,” school counselor Annie Egan said. “They are not riding horses, but they are joined by their full class and participating in a series of activities.”

To begin the intersession week, theology teacher Kate McMichael led an espacio with the goal of setting intentions for the week.  

“Starting with an espacio reminds them that the purpose of this week is to settle more deeply into knowing why it is they chose a Sacred Heart school versus any other high school,” McMichael said. “It reminds them that there is something really special and wonderful about being a part of the Sacred Heart.”

“It reminds them that there is something really special and wonderful about being a part of the Sacred Heart.”

Today, the focus for freshmen was on building community. Throughout the week the class will engage in all five goals through participating in service, engaging in personal reflection activities, completing a ropes course and working together as a class.

“We broke up into groups and got to know the guys better,” freshman Cecilia McQuaid said. “I thought it was a great experience because I do not know very many of them.”

Although it is not a retreat, freshmen were given a later start and early end to the day. The week is intended, however, to be an engaged experiential learning opportunity and experience, according to Egan.

“Hopefully [the intersession week] will become a truly integrated part of the Convent and Stuart Hall experience,” Egan said.