Math club offers peer tutoring sessions

Caroline Thompson

Senior Halie Kim helps senior Guilia Oltranti during peer tutoring session. The students in the room worked with each other as well as with Kim during the tutoring session.

Caroline Thompson, Reporter

The math club hosted a peer tutoring session for all students looking for math help today.

“The peer tutoring sessions are pretty new, and we hope that they will grow and stick,” club advisor Ken Harrington said. “If it’s just a one-time thing it’s not as effective as it should be.”

The sessions were started by senior and club head Halie Kim who wanted to create a space for students to work through concepts together instead of struggling on their own.

“I saw that there were many students willing to tutor other students but there was no opportunity to utilize their willingness,” Kim said. “I wanted to provide that opportunity so that no one is waiting until the week before finals to realize that everyone can help each other out.”

The group-oriented math sessions are open to all students and members of the math club work with students to finish math homework or to understand concepts in classes.

“It’s not like only one person is the tutor and everyone is learning from them,” says Kim. “We’re all doing homework together and if someone has a question then they can rely on other people to help them.”

In the future, Kim plans on collaborating with other groups and the school’s chapter of like The National Honors Society and the AP club to expand the resources for students who need help.

“I think it is really beneficial for students who don’t have time to meet with teachers to work with other students with strong backgrounds in different subjects,” senior Giulia Oltranti said. “I came in today because I have a math test tomorrow and it is really helpful to study with something who has already taken the class because they know what kind of help I need.”

The sessions will take place from 3:30 to 5:30 in The Den on the first Thursday of every month.