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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

AP European History student Gia Monachino reviews her notes before an in class quiz. Students from Convent bus over to the stuart hall campus for classes such as AP Euro, Latin and others.

The Broad View: 1.17.17-1.20.17

Jemima Scott, Photographer January 22, 2017

Junior Natalie Lunbeck takes notes during Chris Person-Rennell's Algebra 2 class. Students in this class are currently learning about logarithms and the compound interest formula.

The Broad View: 1.9.17-1.13.17

Elizabeth Worthington, Photographer January 14, 2017

Students from Art Foundations II, Spanish 4 Honors, and a senior theology class visit the SF MOMA to see the “Remezcla Graphic” exhibit. The works of art were from Galeria de la Raza in San Francisco and focused on identity, culture, society, and politics, which the students were studying.

The Broad View: 12.12.16-12.16.16

Thomasina Akamine, Photographer December 19, 2016

Lena Jackson programs a car during robotics. Freshman are given the choice to take either a semester of journalism or robotics.

The Broad View: 12.5.16-12.9.16

Maya Shur, Photographer December 10, 2016

The Broad View: 11.28.16-12.2.16

The Broad View: 11.28.16-12.2.16

Jemima Scott, Photographer December 8, 2016

The Broadview staff celebrates their national recognition from the National Scholastic Press Association with a cake in the Publications Lab. The staff picked up the awards last week at the NSPA convention in Los Angeles, CA.

The Broad View: 4/18/16 – 4/22/16

Jemima Scott, Photographer April 25, 2016

Seniors Chloe Lovato and Daniella Lucio begin to observe coral polyps under a microscope. Their observations were made for their marine biology class.

The Broad View: 4/11/16 – 4/15/16

Amanda Joa, Photographer April 18, 2016

 Senior Clara Phipps practices yoga in her theology class as a break from their lessons on ecojustice and catholic social teachings.  The senior theology classes are finishing up the year with group ecojustice presentations on topics of their choice including topics such as keystone species, fracking and pollution.

The Broad View: 4/4/16 – 4/8/16

Bea D’Amico, Photography Editor April 10, 2016

AP environmental science students created a habitat for their assigned goldfishes. The experiment shows the harmful effects landfill waste has on the ecosystem.

The Broad View: 3/7/16 – 3/11/16

Jemima Scott, Photographer March 13, 2016

Seniors dance to Hannah Montana songs in the upperclassmen locker room after an earthquake drill. The earthquake and lockdown drills both happened on the same week.

The Broad View: 2/29/16 – 3/3/16

Amanda Joa, Photographer March 6, 2016

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