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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Editorial: Consider others and stay home

Editorial: Consider others and stay home

Staff Editorial March 16, 2020

WEB EXCLUSIVE Leaving the house to meet up with friends or inviting classmates over to complete homework assignments may seem harmless for teenagers who are not as likely to suffer complications from COVID-19,...

Reducing, reusing — but not recycling

Reducing, reusing — but not recycling

February 14, 2020

Labeling products as “biodegradable” or “compostable” is a great marketing tool for brands trying to avoid public scrutiny, but eco-friendly consumers choosing to buy these products may be giving...

Gruesome video depicts fake Trump massacring political opponents and news organizations. The video was shown at a conference in Miami for Trump supporters at President Trump’s Doral resort in Miami.

Video massacres journalists’ rights

Staff Editorial October 14, 2019

WEB EXCLUSIVE A video parody of President Trump violently massacring major media outlets and his political opponents was screened at a conference in Miami held by a pro-Trump organization, according to...

Digging deeper

Digging deeper

Gabriella Vulakh, Web Editor April 4, 2019

As victims of sexual harassment and assault come forward in the wake of the #MeToo movement, third-party organizations should be brought on to college campuses to help schools thoroughly and unbiasedly...

Zero waste, zero change

Zero waste, zero change

Editorial Board February 9, 2018

San Francisco had a diversion rate of 52 percent as of 2001, with over half of the waste generated was either recycled or composted, according to the San Francisco Department of the Environment. Former...

Following in the footsteps of school's founder

Following in the footsteps of school’s founder

Editorial Board November 2, 2017

When St. Madeline Sophie Barat founded the Society of the Sacred Heart in 1801, she proclaimed her mission to teach young girls in a world where gender parity in education was non-existent. Her efforts...

Teen acne sparks issues with confidence and looks

Teen acne sparks issues with confidence and looks

Editorial Board February 3, 2017

Lizzie Bruce While almost all students get acne at some point due to puberty, genetics or environmental triggers, harsh stigma and lack of media representation can make acne-stricken teens feel abnormal...

Immigration ban threatens human rights

Immigration ban threatens human rights

Editorial Board February 1, 2017

Freedom includes the opportunity for prosperity, success and an upward social mobility for families and children achieved through hard work in a society with few barriers. It is not a mere opinion —...

Election results not an excuse for hate

Election results not an excuse for hate

Editorial Board December 8, 2016

Threats to women in hijabs, walls graffitied with racist and xenophobic statements and even middle-schoolers chanting “Build the wall!” in their lunchroom have circulated through social media in recent...

Social media poses threat to 'real life' relationships

Social media poses threat to ‘real life’ relationships

Editorial Board September 26, 2016

While lunch provides a time for peers to chat together before resuming their afternoon classes, many students spend the break constantly checking their phones rather than focusing on the friends around...

Think before you buy

Think before you buy

Editorial Board March 16, 2016

You see a $10 shirt in the window and think “What a steal,” not stopping to consider how it can be so cheap, or buy a chocolate bar, inexpensive enough to be purchased with your spare change. We...

Racial insensitivity triggers community discussion

Racial insensitivity triggers community discussion

Editorial Board February 4, 2016

As Black History Month begins, it can be easy to say there has been significant progress for African American rights since the 1940s civil rights movements, but even in 2016, racism is still a problem. Approximately...

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