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The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

The student news site of Convent of the Sacred Heart High School

The Broadview

Large turnout of burnout

Large turnout of burnout

October 4, 2021

Countless studies have proven that high school students are immensely more stressed than they developmentally should be. Not only do many have to manage classes and the homework that comes along with them,...

Abortion law prompts national uproar

Abortion law prompts national uproar

Tala El Qadah, Web Editor October 4, 2021

America has always claimed to be “the land of the free” for men, women and minorities but recently, the country hasn’t lived up to this. The Texas government began to enforce the “heartbeat...

Becoming crystal clear

Olivia Rounsaville, Editor-in-Chief October 4, 2021

Scrolling through Instagram or TikTok, there is a good chance of coming across a video preaching the benefits of various crystals, moonwater, or copper energy rings.  At first it intrigued me — the...

Destigmatizing therapy

Mackenna Moslander, Editor-in-Chief October 4, 2021

High school is like a trial period to be adults. We start dealing with the time management and emotional maturity that comes with dealing with real life issues. In school, we manage expectations, difficult...

Birds, Bees? Yes, Please.

Makenna Kramer, Feature Editor October 4, 2021

While Convent & Stuart Hall boasts incredible opportunities like the International Baccalaureate program and a trip to Costa Rica, students do not have the opportunity to take any sex education classes.  This...

Respect community by waiting in line

Respect community by waiting in line

Darcy Jubb, Senior Reporter April 20, 2021

It is an indisputable fact that our community as a whole is privileged, and with this can come opportunity for areas of moral ambiguity. While access to receiving a COVID-19 vaccine is increasingly feasible...

Thrifting gets shifty

Thrifting gets shifty

Tabitha Parent, Managing Editor March 30, 2021

Walk down Haight Street and you’re bound to see gaggles of teenage girls holding bags stuffed with $5 or less items from Goodwill or Buffalo Exchange. While there is no denying that buying secondhand...

State of Grace: ‘#NeverAgain’ will not keep us safe

Grace Krumplitsch, Editor-in-Chief February 25, 2021

When hundreds of rioters stormed our nation’s Capitol Building on Jan. 6 in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, many liberal and conservative lawmakers alike feared...

Fighting food insecurity

Fighting food insecurity

Staff Editorial February 22, 2021

The age-old phrase of “Don't bite off more than you can chew” applies to many aspects of life, but in the midst of a global pandemic, it should be taken literally, and as s food insecurity skyrockets...

Push back against pushing through

Push back against pushing through

Mackenna Moslander, Web Editor February 20, 2021

Taking notes throughout long block periods can be difficult enough, and coupled with menstrual cramps it can feel virtually impossible. Period cramps should not have to reach the level of incapacitation...

The United States Capitol in Washington, D.C. is viewed from the balcony of the former Newseum on the National Mall on Nov. 24, 2019. Insurrectionists broke into the Capitol  during a Joint Session of Congress as Vice President Mike Pence received the Electoral College votes on Jan. 6, 2021.

Editorial: This is Trump’s America, and it is crumbling

Editorial Board January 6, 2021

WEB EXCLUSIVE Today was the most shocking day for the American people since Sept. 11, 2001 – our generation’s most striking equivalent so far. But instead of foreign terrorism threatening our country,...

State of Grace: Mental and physical health are equally important

State of Grace: Mental and physical health are equally important

Grace Krumplitsch, Editor-in-Chief December 22, 2020

WEB EXCLUSIVE When a student wakes up with an agonizing migraine or sore throat, she usually emails her teachers and takes a sick day in order to recover, but if a student is dealing with a mental health...

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