Coastin’ through information night
Sophomores learn about upcoming trip and the IB programme
The information session was held for sophomore families in Syufi Theater. Heads of School Tony Farrell and Rachel Simpson shared personal anecdotes from previous Costa Rica trips during the session.
October 27, 2022
Tonight, an informational session was held for sophomore families including details on the annual Costa Rica trip and the International Baccalaureate programme.
“I’m glad we’re getting the information before the trip so I can get prepared,” said sophomore Thea Pratt. “I am also happy that I can get my questions answered so I have less stress about the trip,”
This is the 10th annual trip to Dominical, Costa Rica with many activities such as rafting, horseback riding, and service opportunities. The sophomores leave for the trip on Jan. 14, but the information session is meant to get students and parents to think about the trip and get preliminary questions answered, according to IB Diploma Coordinator Devin DeMartini Cooke.
“We want to ensure students and parents are on the same page and everybody is receiving the same information,” DeMartini Cooke said. “It is also important for students to know when they have to get things in for Costa Rica and we want to keep parents in the loop for that as well,”
Many of the juniors reminisce over the trip and it is special to be able to connect to previous students who experienced similar things, according to junior Claire Abel.
“I enjoyed Costa Rica because I got to bond with more people in my grade and the activities were a lot of fun,” said junior Claire Abel. “I’m happy our school puts in so much effort to have each grade go to Costa Rica,”
The IB programme was another topic discussed in the informational session, and focused on general aspects of the IB curriculum. These aspects include 6 classes — 3 higher level and 3 standard level — Theory of Knowledge, an extended essay, and CAS (creativity, activity, and service), according to the International Baccalaureate.
“Letting students know about the expectations for IB classes and higher level APs next year helps sophomores recognize what they need to do this year,” said DeMartini Cooke. “Making the decision between going into IB or not is a big decision, so we want to make sure students have enough time to do so,”
The IB program and Costa Rica allow students to become global citizens, according to Pratt. Global citizens, and values of serving others and building community, directly align with the Sacred Heart goals.
“I’m super excited for the trip and getting more information about it makes me more excited,” Pratt said. “I like how through IB and trips like Costa Rica, I’m experiencing more of the world because I know a lot of people don’t get the option to do that,”