Teachers receive COVID-19 vaccinations
Phase 1B of vaccination effort begins
Rebecca Sell
Librarian Reba Sell shows off her vaccination record card. California has moved into vaccinating individuals in Category 1B, which includes childcare workers and adults working in K-12 institutions.
February 27, 2021
WEB EXCLUSIVE All teachers and staff of California public schools are now eligible to receive the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
“It really gives me peace of mind when teaching 16 students,” math teacher Caroline Norris said about receiving the first dose of the Moderna vaccine.
As essential workers who work indoors, many teachers in California are opting to be vaccinated as a means of trying to keep from contracting the coronavirus.
“It was simple and painless,” said English teacher Mark Botti, “I couldn’t feel anything until today. My arm is sore.”
Some students say they feel more comfortable in the classroom now that their teachers have been vaccinated.
“I am so glad that my teachers are safe and since they got vaccinated,” freshman Ashlyn Grove said. “I feel more confident in our ability to get through this together.”
Adults 65 and older and essential workers such as firefighters, food and agricultural workers, grocery store workers and public transit workers are currently eligible for the vaccines.
Both the FDA-approved Moderna and the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines have approximately a 95% efficacy rate a few weeks after administration of a second dose.
“I got the vaccine because I want to return to life as we know it,” Norris said, “Every time someone gets the vaccine it makes the world safer for everybody.”
The caption has been revised on Feb. 27, 2021 to reflect Ms. Sell’s correct first name which is Reba, not Rebecca.