TOK classes prepare presentations
Senior Kate Wing practices her presentation during Theory of Knowledge. The class had multiple work periods leading up to the presentation
October 29, 2019
WEB EXCLUSIVE Seniors practiced Theory of Knowledge presentations today in preparation for their final presentations next week.
“I am doing my presentation on the history of Ivy League Schools and if they really do house smarter students and deserve all their recognition,” senior Julianna Ovalle said. “I am comparing public universities and private universities because I feel like there is a connotation that if you go to an Ivy League you are so smart, but if you go to public university you are not as smart.”
Theory of Knowledge students pick a real-life situation and then select two or more Areas of Knowledge from the classes they are currently taking in the International Baccalaureate Program.
“These TOK presentations are really cool and I think they are perfect for a senior year project because the students can sit down and bring together everything that they know and what they have learned in the last two years of the IB education,” Austin Emerson, Theory of Knowledge teacher, said. “I think it’s really cool for the students to finish these presentations and to look at their presentations and essay and realize the knowledge they have gained.”
Students have been practicing their presentations for two weeks in front of the class, gaining feedback through classmates.
“In my TOK presentations we have decided to examine shared knowledge and personal knowledge in terms of our real-life situation the study of happiness which is a class taught at Yale,” senior Kate Wing said. “It is known as the most popular class at Yale taught by a psychology professor and the class really just outlines what it means to really be happy.”
Emerson filmed each individual or group when presenting, to visually review their stance, body language, and delivery of information.
“The presentations are really the fruit of all that work that students are able to bring it together and really show that not only the IB program but to themselves that they have learned something,” Emerson said. “I think as we really develop the presentations it makes it much easier for me to guide students as they realize that TOK really is a course that reflects upon all the other courses.”