Students give gratitude for departing faculty member
Students line up to hug Academic Support Director Betsy Pfeiffer on her last day at the school. Pfeiffer has worked at Convenf High School since 2014 and will continue to work with the school until the end of the year.
September 28, 2018
WEB EXCLUSIVE Tearful gratitudes and parting messages for Academic Support Director Betsy Pfeiffer were shared by students during chapel today on Pfeiffer’s last day at school.
“I am grateful for Ms. Pfeiffer because she is a loving, caring, supportive, and selfless woman,” senior Izzy Gutierrez said during chapel. “[She] is the best role model Convent has to offer.”
Pfeiffer’s departure struck a chord with many students, such as junior Miley Sherman, who felt her influence in the community.
“Ms. Pfeiffer was my go-to faculty member for anything from scheduling extra time or taking a test in another room or if I was stressed about school,” Sherman said. “She has a very comforting and non-judgemental presence, and she is one of the most trustworthy people I know.”
Students are asked to share gratitude during every chapel, but today all gratitudes were asked to be directed towards Pfeiffer, according to senior Laura Mogannam who planned the chapel.
“I really wanted there to be time during chapel dedicated to thanking Ms. Pfeiffer because I know that she has done a lot for many students in our community,” Mogannam said. “She is such a positive fixture in the Convent community and I will be very sad when she is gone, but I think she will always have a home here.”
After working at Convent for four years Pfeiffer is moving to Kentucky with her family for her husband’s work.
“Convent is a very special community in the sense that the people that come here are genuine, kind and open and that is what I will miss the most,” Pfeiffer said. “Transitions are hard.”
Though Pfeiffer will not physically be in school she will continue to work remotely with faculty and students until the end of the 2018 to 2019 school year.
“I am still going to be working with faculty and students with things like scheduling for next year because that process starts pretty early,” Pfeiffer said. “I will be doing everything I have been doing minus the face-to-face meetings with students.”