College counselors advise students and parents
College Counselors Cesar Guerrero, Rebecca Munda and college counseling associate Kelly Whalen address the Senior Class during a college information session. The counselors talked to students and their families about how to stay on track during the college application process and what resources and support they will receive.
August 29, 2018
WEB EXCLUSIVE Convent & Stuart Hall college counselors hosted an information night today for the senior class and their parents to help prepare them for the college application process ahead.
“We were strongly recommended to go to the panel tonight to learn about crucial parts of the college process like financial aid and the applications,” senior Amelia Estes said. “I think the panel gives us an advantage in the process, and I learned helpful information that the college counselors have to share.”
The information session covered many topics including important dates, milestones, and advice on how to best prepare for the application process.
“I want to learn how to work on and manage my stress during the college application process,” senior Maggie Walter said. “I went today so that I can be better informed on all of the parts of the process which will hopefully alleviate some stress.”
The evening was run by college counselors Rebecca Munda and Ceasar Guerrero alongside college counseling associate Kelly Whalen, who work closely with students and advise them throughout the entire college application process.
“This information night gives seniors specific action items to be prepared, and we talk about things to do to make sure they don’t fall behind,” Munda said. “We also tell them about all the resources and tools they will have access to during the application process.”
Prior to the college information night, college counselors worked with the seniors on their applications and resumes during a summer workshop. Seniors are now working on finalizing their lists of schools and applications.
This story was edited on Sept. 13, 2018, to correct Kelly Whalen’s title. Whalen is a college counseling associate and not a college counselor.