Head of school to receive national award
The Journalism Education Association has named Head of School Rachel Simpson 2018 Administrator of the Year.
Head of School Rachel Simpson substitutes in a French class in 2017 for a teacher on leave. Simpson was named this morning the 2018 Administrator of the Year by the Journalism Education Association.
The Journalism Education Association named Head of School Rachel Simpson as the 2018 Administrator of the Year this morning for her support of student media and free expression at Convent High School.
“It is a great honor and a surprise,” Simpson said. “It is one of those, ‘Wow, why me?’ lucky, fortunate moments.”
Scholastic Journalism & Media Director Tracy Anne Sena nominated Simpson for the award in June. Visual Arts Department Chair Rachel McIntire wrote a letter on Simpson’s behalf detailing Simpson’s support of students’ free expression in the arts.
“I’m so excited to have been able to support Ms. Simpson in getting the award because student expression is really dear to her beliefs in education,” McIntire said. “I feel very fortunate to have her as a leader in this program and to share that with the students so they know the true value of their voice and their expressions are held high by all of us.”
Editors-in-Chief Cece Giarman and Josephine Rozzelle also composed a letter detailing Simpson’s constant support for The Broadview and her hands-off policy with the newspaper and website.
“I am so glad Ms. Simpson’s support of student journalism has been recognized, and I am proud to be part of a community where student voices are valued so highly,” Giarman said. “Because of the trust between our publication and the administration, we as a staff can cover every topic no matter how controversial it may be.”
Simpson will be formally honored at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention in Chicago in early November.
“It all maps to the belief I have in students,” Simpson said. “As much as that belief is rooted in the mission of the Sacred Heart education, which is to educate to a personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom, I also trust them to be ethical, responsible and to do the right thing with their freedom of expression.”
Gabriella Vulakh contributed to this story.