Community prepares for Walk for Uganda
Sophomores Caroline Thompson, Isabelle Paul and Colette Hom read the Walk for Uganda informational poster and talk about their plans to support the schools in Uganda. These girls, among others, decided to “Sleep in for Uganda” and will donate without going to the event.
October 19, 2017
WEB EXCLUSIVE The annual Walk for Uganda across the Golden Gate Bridge is scheduled to take place this Saturday, Oct. 21 to benefit Sacred Heart schools in Uganda.
Participants can pay the $20 registration to eat breakfast at the Warming Hut near the end of Crissy Field and then walk or can choose to just donate instead.
“Many girls will opt to ‘Sleep in for Uganda’,” Director of Student Life, Devin DeMartini Cooke said. “However, it’s always nice to have girls come out to the walk with their families.”
All donations will directly support the girls at Sacred Heart Primary School in Kyamusanala and the St. Charles Lwanga Girls Training Center by providing them with tuition scholarships which pay for things like educational and medical services as well as meals.
“The money goes to their tuition,” DeMartini Cooke said. “For $400, we’re able to put a girl into school for a full year which is truly amazing.”
The walk is a way to raise money for the two Sacred Heart schools and is an opportunity to connect as a community. Not only does the direct community support the schools in Uganda, as the four divisions come together, but Sacred Heart schools in New York and Missouri also host fundraising walks too.
“I like going to the walk because it’s a nice way to know that you’re doing something good,” Sophomore Cat Webb-Purkis said. “It feels good to get up and walk across the bridge for a good cause.”
Registration for the walk and donations can be completed online. Additionally, Betty Ogiel, a graduate of the Sacred Heart Schools in Uganda, will be speaking at Chapel on Monday, Oct. 23. People interested in learning more about Uganda and the schools there can speak with her.
“Everyone should really come out,” DeMartini Cooke said. “I think that there is something really special about being there with members from all of our community.”