Theater department performs ‘Les Misérables’ to full houses

Seniors Lucius Johnson and Chloe Lovato  sing “Master of the House,” the anthem of the sneaky innkeepers Monsieur and Madame Thenardier. The Convent & Stuart Hall cast performed “Les Misérables” on Thursday and Friday evenings, closing with a Saturday matinee. The show, which ran two-and-a-half hours, featured nine leads and a large ensemble.

The show centers around former convict Jean Valjean (Daniel Im), who assumes guardianship of a young orphaned girl (Delaney Tobin) when her mother Fantine (Serafina Cinti) dies. The show was accompanied by a live eight-piece orchestra featuring Leon Tsai on piano. Stage managers Maya Shur and Kelly Rosanelli, who assisted director Pamela Rickard, plan to hold their managing positions until they graduate.


By the numbers Les Mis