Hope Wong
Posters advertising the Student Arts Workshop can be found on both campuses. The plays will debut on Thursday night.
The Students Art Workshop is taking place in the Syufy Theater on Oct. 7 and 8 evening. The Student Arts Workshop includes many small production plays and are dedicated to the school showcasing plays written, directed, or produced by students.
“Seeing some people who I have known become directors and having them be able to direct me as an actor is really cool,” freshman Ainsley Smith said. “The play I’m in, Time Flies, was written by a student,”
The five student-produced works are Film Film Film, Time Flies, The Proposal, Macbeth Act 5 Scene 1, and Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Scene 4. Being a director of one of these shows requires communication and hard work, according to senior Sarah Rasic.
“At first it’s a bit of a nerve-wrapping process because it’s a different process than what you’re used to,” Rasic said. “But, usually it actually turns out to be really fun because you get to put your own vision forward and you get to really create a show that feels like yours,”
This is the first year that there will be five different plays presented during the Student’s Art Workshop. Because of the large amount, directors have many requirements when preparing for auditions and rehearsals. They have to brainstorm, submit ideas, and cast actors, all within a short time frame, according to Theater Director Margaret Hee.
“So the process begins actually in the year prior I asked students to submit ideas for different projects for the Student Arts Workshop with certain guidelines; they must be appropriate for a K through 12 community, they can only be a certain lengths,” Hee said, “My role is to try to make all of their dreams come true and I kind of run around like a chicken with my head cut off,”
Many of the plays explore themes of love, perseverance, and fate, according to the Students Arts Workshop Trailer. The two shows are on Thursday and Friday at 6 pm.
“I’ve definitely gotten to get to know newer people and it was cool,” Smith said. “It’s been a really fun process and I can’t wait to put on the show!”